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In the Katanga Province, ELKAP is the only rural electrification project benefitting the public.

Given the enormous need, we have developed a project which will be a quantitative and qualitative extension of ELKAP: ELKAP II, also called ELKAP FOR ALL.

Whereas ELKAP I has a capacity of 200 kW – which means about 1,332,000 kWh per year – to be delivered mainly to institutions of public and civil weal, ELKAP II aims to extend access to a larger area and to connect up to 95% of the population not yet attached to the grid.

ELKAP II will consist of

  • the construction of a 1.6 MW hydroelectric power plant at the Kamang site of the Kaongweji river;
  • the extension of the electricity grid to the 15 villages of Kapanga, Ntita, Musumba, Nswan Mulapu, Kanampumb and Mutij (all on the east bank of the Lulua) and Chamba, Mpandamwila, Samukaz, Chibang, Renyek-Rubuiz, Sayambu, Chinsong, Kambundu and Dibung (all on the west bank of the river);
  • strengthening of the non-profit organisation ELKAP;
  • the development of accompanying measures;
  • advocacy and information activities to the attention of the local population, of which 90% live below the poverty line;
  • an analysis of impact.

Thanks to ELKAP II, the capacity of the small hydro will achieve a total output of 1.8 MW and will provide the 120,000 inhabitants of the Kapanga Territory with a basic need.

About Us


ELKAP ASBL is a non-profit organization established in Kapanga in January 2013. ELKAP, short for ELectricité pour KAPanga, stands for a programme and an ambitious goal: Electricity for Kapanga!

Where We Are


Contact Us

Tel (R.D. Congo) +243 810 198 348
Tel (Italy)          +39 06 686 29 219
ELKAP asbl
p/a Pères Salvatoriens
839, Boulevard du 30 Juin
République Démocratique du Congo