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ELKAP ASBL is a non-profit organization established in Kapanga in January 2013.
Its very name ELKAP, short for ELectricité pour KAPanga, tells you what it is about a programme and an ambitious goal: Electricity for Kapanga!

ELKAP ASBL was established by the Salvatorian Fathers and SOFIA, the Salvatorian Office of International Aid, their international NGO, to contribute to the development by rural electrification to the territory of Kapanga in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

This mission is split into four goals:

  1. Enhancement of economic and social development by promoting a sustainable power supply.
  2. Awareness raising of the local population with respect to renewable energy and the advantages of reducing fossil fuel consumption.
  3. Stimulation of multiparty cooperation and consolidation of the civil society’s and local population’s role in the region’s rural development.
  4. Capacity building for the regional and local governments in planning and management of electrification projects and sensitization in view of a more flexible legislation regarding regional energy markets.

In order to achieve these ambitious goals, ELKAP ASBL

  • has constructed a small hydroelectric plant and a power grid;
  • is ensuring access to electricity for all groups and classes of the local population;
  • is commercializing the power supply;
  • is developing social and environmental projects;
  • has created a social business.


About Us


ELKAP ASBL is a non-profit organization established in Kapanga in January 2013. ELKAP, short for ELectricité pour KAPanga, stands for a programme and an ambitious goal: Electricity for Kapanga!

Where We Are


Contact Us

Tel (R.D. Congo) +243 810 198 348
Tel (Italy)          +39 06 686 29 219
ELKAP asbl
p/a Pères Salvatoriens
839, Boulevard du 30 Juin
République Démocratique du Congo