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ELKAP – ELectricity for KAPanga

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The Salvatorian Father Jaak Henkens, originator of ELKAP and Jean-Michel Dumond, Ambassador of the EU in the D.R.C. together with the Governor of the Province of Katanga, Mr. Moise Katumbi, at the opening ceremony in Kapanga.

ELKAP stands for ELECTRICITE POUR KAPANGA, a rural electrification programme launched by the Salvatorians in the Territory of Kapanga in the Democratic Republic of Congo (D.R.C.). Now that it is completed, ELKAP provides more than 45,000 people, half of them children, with access to electricity and helps them improve their life. SOFIA (Salvatorian Office for International Aid) has promoted this project which was co-financed by the European Commission, by the Katanga Province, and by the Salvatorian Fathers.

ELKAP has been inaugurated in September 2015. Click here to read the press release, and here to view some pictures of the opening ceremony.


About Us


ELKAP ASBL is a non-profit organization established in Kapanga in January 2013. ELKAP, short for ELectricité pour KAPanga, stands for a programme and an ambitious goal: Electricity for Kapanga!

Where We Are


Contact Us

Tel (R.D. Congo) +243 810 198 348
Tel (Italy)          +39 06 686 29 219
ELKAP asbl
p/a Pères Salvatoriens
839, Boulevard du 30 Juin
République Démocratique du Congo